After watching the Lord of the Rings:
The Fellowship of the Ring about a month ago, I was excited to get
back to Middle Earth with The Two Towers. I remember seeing this
movie in the theaters and it being my favorite of the three films. I
watched the extended edition of the movie which is about four hours
long; which is why it so long long to find the time to watch the
It was clear from the beginning of the
movie that I didn't remember what happened. I probably remembered
maybe 5% of what actually happened in the movie. But I was happy to
see that we got more time with Golum, and he's such a sympathetic
character whose just driven mad by the ring. He's like a pathetic
pet, that you want to help. I loved Golum in this movie and can't
wait to see more of him in the next movie. I also watched the behind
the scenes of how Andy Serkis and the animators brought the character
to life. It's fascinated, so if you haven't seen it, I recommend
watching it.
As for the main characters, they are
all separated in this movie, Sam and Frodo with Golum, Merry and
Pippin with Treebeard, and Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli in Rohan.
Speaking of which, Legolas and Gimli provided good comedic relief in
the movie, that never takes me out of the epic scale of the story.
What I was disappointed in was that we didn't get enough of Gandalf
in this, but what we did get was great. I did remember loving the Tree Ents destroying Eisengard and it's still a great moment in the movie.
There was also a scene in the extended
version where we get a flashback of Boromir and how he ended up in
Rivendell, which is what I was wondering about in the first movie. As
far as the character journey's, Aragorn and the people of Rohan were
the most interesting. Merry and Pippin don't really do much, and Sam
and Frodo get side snatched by Gondor. Although, Sam does get a great
speech about fighting for what's good in the world.
If you are a big fan of the Lord of the
Rings, let me know your thoughts about the movies, as well as the
books. Do you like the changes? Who's your favorite character(s)?
Write your comments below or tweet to me @BelleArboreus. Thank you!