Fan-Lit: New Years Reading Challenge Tips

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Welcome Everyone!

Thanks for visiting my blog where I review books and stories. I am a published author and I have a Master's Degree in English and Creative Writing. Some of my favorite books are The Hunger Games series, the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, The Great Gatsby and The Joy Luck Club. I love to read and write short stories; as well as discuss writing and literature in any medium. Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment and make recommendations.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Years Reading Challenge Tips

Reading Challenge for 2020
The New Year brings a new challenge to readers. How many books can you read this year? If you are like me, it can be hard finding time to read a book. And excuses are no actual reason for not reading. My goal is to re-read a few books, read a couple of classics, and read three new books, so about ten books total. On top of all of the short stories I plan on reading. Not sure if I'll make this goal, but here are a few tips we all can implement in order to accomplish our reading goals this year!

Time is hard to come by these days, so what better way to consume books than by listening to them? There are lots of places to find free audiobooks to download. Try your local libraries and various online sites (see the link below). Audiobooks are a great way to get through books, on long drives, doing chores, working out or waiting in line at the doctor's office.

Similarly to audiobooks ebooks can be read on the go, waiting in lines and such. Lots of books can be stored on ebook readers and that can help you keep track on what books you are reading.

Enjoy you books
Sometimes you can't tell if you're only to like a book based on the cover or jacket. But trying to push through a book that doesn't capture your attention can cause you to go days or weeks without reading. If a book is not working for you, put it down and pick up a new book. Keep reading books that you enjoy and you will get through more books in the year.

Read a book instead of watching TV
Now days there is so much content on TV that it can be easy to just sit down on the couch and watch a show. However, if you have an hour to watch TV you could spend that time reading a couple of chapters of a book. So, next time you think about watching a show, stop and consider if your time is better spent reading instead.

Read before you go to Bed
Most people like to relax right before they go to bed, so instead of playing on your phone, open a book. Reading can be a soothing way to fall asleep. Even if you can only get through a few pages before you past out, that a few more pages than you had read.

Mix it up!
Fiction novels aren't the only things you can read this year. To avoid getting repetitive or stale in your reading, try mixing up the genres. You can read fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, collections of short stories or even poetry. Keeping your reading diverse will help you stay engaged and allow you to continue to read without getting bored.

Be sure to check out this article from Goodreads for personal goals and stories from several readers. Feel free to post you goals down below. Happy New Year everyone! 2020!

Free Audiobooks Classics
Free 30 days with and
Amazon Prime certain books have free audio such as the short story collection Forward. 

CW Arrow/Flash Crossover podcast leading up to Crisis on Infinite Earths
Available on PodBean and YouTube

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