Fan-Lit: Review of Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs

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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Review of Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs

A review of “Blood Bound” A Mercy Thompson novel by Patricia Briggs

This is the second book in the Mercy Thompson series and picks up shortly after the first books ends. The big change in the world is that werewolf's and most fae folks’ presence are now known to the world. Not everyone who is a werewolf is out in public but the knowledge that werewolves exist are known. This idea was hinted at in the last book and adds to the passage of time and sense of world building. We quickly learn that Mercy and Adam went on a few dates, but since Samuel is living with her, she has decided not to date either man. Although she does admit to an attraction to both men, and even falls a bit weak in the knees when Adam gives her a massage.

The main plot kicks off with the reintroduction to vampire Stefan, when he asks Mercy for a favor. We find out that Littleton, a demon infected vampire sorcerer, is committing murders, but Mercy and the gang don't know why, or how to defeat him. Littleton is killing people and framing the murders on innocent people. Adam assigns a few pack wolves to watch over Mercy as she might be a target of Littleton. Stefan and one of Adam's werewolf's Warren try to find Littleton, Warren returns in bad condition while Stefan is nowhere to be scene. Adam and Samuel both go missing, so Mercy turns to the vampire mistress for help. The vampire mistress tells Mercy to find Littleton because Mercy is a walker.

In this book, we find out that being a walker means that Mercy is immune to vampire magic and most magics, as well as being able to see and talk to ghosts. The second book in this series explores more of the vampire lore that exists in this world. We learn that vampires have their own group of people that serve their blood lust. The benefits are mutual as vampires are cleaning the blood of their donors, creating lots of benefits for the victim. It's an interesting concept, and nice world expansion. The book also focuses more on the relationship between Mercy and Stefan, offering him as a potential love interest.

“Blood Bound” also has Mercy interacting with ghosts and explains how spirits work in this world. What starts out as an interesting old cart lady ghost, plays an important role towards the end of the book. Mercy is sensitive to ghosts, she can see them and communicate with them, while someone still don't even believe in ghosts.

While I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first, I do enjoy the characters, and the mythology expansion. The problem I have with this book is that introduces too many new characters, and locations that it can be hard to follow. Also, all the main love interests, Adam, Samuel and Stefan all go missing at the beginning of the third act. The big reveal was not interesting and the epilogue that follows after the main villain is disposed of, feels a bit out of character for Mercy. It was an ending where I wasn't rooting for the main character. I enjoyed it enough to want to continue with the series and look forward to seeing where this series goes.

Thanks for reading my reviews. If you like werewolf stories and female lead characters, then check out my story on Wattpad, "The Lunar Spirit". Lycan Livonia Dane returns to her old pack house, for the Lunar Ball. Liv finds herself drawn to her childhood bully, Lucas while also reconnecting with her old friend, Jepson. When the Ball is attacked by vampires, Liv is pulled into the action, while trying to find her lunar spirit mate. Will it be Lucas or her brooding childhood friend Jepson? Or possibly someone else? Struggling with her feelings for each man, Liv aids in the investigation and war against the vampires.


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