Fan-Lit: The Empty Pizza Box

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Thanks for visiting my blog where I review books and stories. I am a published author and I have a Master's Degree in English and Creative Writing. Some of my favorite books are The Hunger Games series, the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, The Great Gatsby and The Joy Luck Club. I love to read and write short stories; as well as discuss writing and literature in any medium. Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment and make recommendations.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Empty Pizza Box

The Empty Pizza Box
A Short Story by Ashlie K. Manger
It seemed to be a normal gathering like every other night. My friends came over, we swam in the pool and played some games until it got dark around six. Then we wanted to settle in for a movie, but we were hungry so we decided to order a pizza. I told the pizza man on the phone that there were eight of us and we were all starving. He sounded like he understood, so I told him to give us the biggest pizza they had. Not exactly what I had in mind.

The hot box of pepperoni pizza came to the door and that should have tipped me off sooner, for the delivery guy gave me a wink and said, “I hope this satisfies your hunger.” Other than being weird, I didn't think much of it. Being that we were starving we ravaged the giant box of all 18 slices, in less than ten minutes.

So, I closed the empty box and went to wash up. I was going to throw the box away, until I realized that it felt heavy when I picked it up. Curious, I opened the box and there it was. Another whole, freshly hot pizza. All 18 slices. I couldn't believe my eyes, I closed the box then opened it again. It was still there, a fresh new pizza. I told my friends to come by and they thought I was playing a prank on them. I admit I thought someone had replaced the pizza when I wasn't looking.

Over the next hour we ate the entire pizza, as we watched a movie. This time I was cautious. I closed the box slowly, waited a minute keeping my eyes on the box the whole time. Then opened it again. I couldn't believe it. Another fresh new pizza had emerged. But this time there was no time for someone to replace it. I asked if anyone wanted more pizza and a few had a couple of slices but most of us were full. My friends didn't believe me, and honestly I thought I might be crazy as well.

The next day, I ate the remaining slices for breakfast. I hesitated to close the box, for fear a new pizza might arrive again. So, I just left it on the counter and went about my day. Later, I called the pizza company and asked to speak with the man that delivered the box. I asked him if he knew that the box regenerates the pizza after you're done eating. To my surprise he said 'yes'. Why would he give this me? He said since we were hungry it should satisfy us. And it did. But now what do I do with the box? I asked him. He said to eat until we were fully satisfied, then hung up the phone.

So, I invited more people over to help eat the pizza. And by the end of the week we had eaten another four whole pizzas. I wasn't sure what to do with the box. I wasn't hungry and didn't want to eat more pizza either. I thought I should just hand it to a homeless person on the street. Food is food and they need it more then me. I had given up on the pizza box. No more fore me. So, I closed the box and set it on the counter. I figured I'd would drop it off when I leave the house. But when I went to grab the box it felt light. I opened the box again, and this time to my surprise, there was no pizza. 

Did the magic box stop working? I closed the box again then opened it. Still nothing. Was there a limited supply and we ate it all? I was happy to be rid of the pizza but not sure why it stopped. I thought about what the man said. 'Eat until you are fully satisfied”. Maybe that was the key. I was satisfied by the pizza. I had eaten as much as I could. Although the endless pizza became annoying after a week, I still think sometimes, “what if I had pizza all the time?” Then I remember how crazy it was, and I'm thankful that I can eat more than just pizza now. Maybe next time I'll be more careful what I wish for. 

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