Fan-Lit: Dracula Readings part 5 the finale

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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Dracula Readings part 5 the finale

As the book starts to draw towards the ending, I find myself more engaged than ever. I have so many questions in my head. Not knowing the conclusion, I'm curious if they will succeed at killing the Count or not. I'm also curious about whether or not killing Dracula undoes the vampiric effects on Mina Harker. Will she go back to being a normal girl? Will she turn? Or will she become something in between.

Throughout the book we get small details about vampires and how they work, but I'm curious about the part where Van Helsing can hypnotize Mina and she can report on what Dracula sees or smells or hears. Is that a power that vampires have? I've never heard of it. It also seems to appear that certain times of day can have an effect on the vampire or whatever transition Mina is in.

Going into reading the book for the first time, I assumed Van Helsing would be a small but significant character, so I'm surprised that he is really the driving force behind all of this. What I love about him, is that he isn't arrogant about his knowledge of vampires. He listens to the group and values their input and truly cares about them. It's great to see them work as a team to track down Dracula. Lord Godalming using his resources to help locate the ship and gain privileges. I love how Van Helsing went back to the records to figure out Dracula's plan.

The journey to Dracula's castle felt a bit dragged out, and Dracula is not very active during this pursuit. The ending of the book, and downfall of Dracula, was anti-climatic, in my opinion. While, I do enjoy the story, I'll have to read it again to really understand the story, but I will say I do wish the story would have spent more time with Dracula and his castle.

Overall, I did enjoy reading this book, and I'm glad that I did so, however I think it will take a second reading to really understand and appreciate what Bram Stoker was trying to accomplish. Now that I know what happens my expectations will be different going into a second reading. One thing I really enjoy was Stoker's take on the vampire mythology, the story gives you want you need to know but leaves some mystery for the reader. As someone who doesn't read a lot of vampire fiction I enjoy these elements of the story. While I admit my problems with the book, I do think that it is a must read for any avid book reader, especially those interested in horror and supernatural. Someday I'll read this again, and even though it wasn't what I thought, I enjoyed Dracula very much.

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