Fan-Lit: Aladdin (2019) Movie Review

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Thanks for visiting my blog where I review books and stories. I am a published author and I have a Master's Degree in English and Creative Writing. Some of my favorite books are The Hunger Games series, the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, The Great Gatsby and The Joy Luck Club. I love to read and write short stories; as well as discuss writing and literature in any medium. Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment and make recommendations.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Aladdin (2019) Movie Review

The original Disney animated Aladdin movie was for a long time my favorite of the Disney classic animated movies until I re-watched the 1991 Beauty and the Beast. The musical numbers from Aladdin are some of the best that Disney has done, and my love for the original made me very excited to see the live-action version. Even though I was really hyped, I toned down my expectations after the first five minutes of the movie. I told myself, "this isn't going to be the animated movie, so I should stop expecting it to me and judge it on its own merits."

Now, going into the movie, I was most concerned about the actor playing Aladdin, but luckily I ended up really enjoying Mena Massoud in the role. I loved Will Smith as the Genie and loved the idea when he was first cast. While Smith doesn't have the best singing voice, he makes up for it with sheer charm and enthusiasm. Plus accompanying visual spectacles. I even enjoyed the "Friend Like Me" hip-hop remix that plays over the end credits. The new song by Princess Jasmine was also a surprisingly excellent addition to the movie. While I did miss Jafar's reprise of "Prince Ali," I also understand why they didn't add it in. It wouldn't have fitted with this version of Jafar.

Which brings me to the changes to the characters and overall story. Like the other Disney live-action remakes of the animated movies, Aladdin takes a slightly more grounded approach to the world. Yes, there is magic, but the animals, in particular, do not have the same amount of personality that they had in the cartoon. Iago only speaks in the sense that parrots are known to mimic what humans say. Rajah looks extremely badass, and Abu is still cute. Jafar is not the same colorful character from the animated movie, but much more uneasily calm, and at times a bit one-dimensional. The additions to  Princess Jasmine's character, give her more depth and ambitions than merely being trapped in a palace. There is also mention of her mother, and the addition of her handmaid gives her a human character to discuss her goals with.

One of the reasons I have enjoyed the Disney live-action remakes is that they expand the stories, and in Aladdin's case, it builds the relationship between Aladdin and Jasmine, making them have a connection before he even finds out she's a princess. Also, it develops a genuine friendship between Aladdin and the Genie. The real strength of this film, however, is simply the fact that it is a fun and exciting journey. While the music is not the quality of the animated version (some song lyrics have been changed), I have been listening to the soundtrack a lot! I had such a great time watching this movie, altogether singing along and a grin on my face the whole time. Will Smith was delightful as the Genie, Aladdin was charming and Jasmine stunning. Director Guy Ritchie adds his signature style to the film, and overall I'd say it's a good, fun, entertaining movie, on par with the 2017 Beauty and the Beast film. Can't wait to see what Disney has in store for the rest of its live-action remakes of its classic animated movies.

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